2009-06-05 16:04:42 UTC
In our state, she missed the cut-off date by just 6 days (thank God!) to start Kindergarten this year, meaning she has an extra year to "catch-up".
She is already enrolled in a "Special-Education" Program, but this year, I want to start her in a "typical" Preschool setting as well as her special education program to get her more socialized.
They have 3 different programs that she can be in. They are:
- Transition 3-4 Years
- 4 Years
- Pre-K
She is suppose to start Kindergarten Fall 2010. The "transition 3-4 years" class doesn't seem academically challenging enough for her in what they are teaching the children (numbers 1-10, ect).
Should I put her in the Pre-K class or the "4 Years" class?
Again, she is scheduled to start Kindergarten Fall 2010, BUT she will be turning 5-years-old THIS September, but she talks like a typcial 2.5 year-old.
Any advice or just shared experiences will be GREATLY appriciated!!!