No one at school is trained or qualified to diagnose ADHD or any other type of problem. Tell them this and state that until they are you do not want to discuss it.
AND, it is ILLEGAL by FEDERAL law for schools to even MENTION meds to parents.
Print this out and give it to them, that will shut them up.
It is up to you and the doctor, schools should keep their nose out of it.
If you can't open this, it's called 'child safety medication act of 2003' and you can search for it.
If you really want him to get help thru special ed, there is more you can do. Write to the district sped director and request 'an independent educational evaluation by public expense becuase I disagree with the districts evaluaiton, as specified by IDEA law'.
YOu have to use these exact words and you have to ask for this in writing.
The school will pay for another eval that YOU choose the dr. to do it. This way the eval won't be rigged or biased toward the school, like they usually are.
Then, you and the school will meet to determine if child can qualify for special ed by using the results of this new eval.
I bet the school didnt' tell you this, did they?
Nah, they never do.