2012-09-26 13:07:57 UTC
The girl that goes to the same school as me is always sitting by herself, and is egged on by the younger kids to do things she should know are wrong, which my cousin would know were wrong. She's quite agressive, i think this is because she doesn't know whats right or wrong which is down to sending her to a regular school perhaps. She's in all the lower sets and always has a special teacher on hand in her lessons. They say they treat her like every other kid, but obviously they don't. They dont use the same rules for her as they do everyone else, which in my opinion does not help her learn right from wrong. For example, she has tried to push me down the stairs once (i did nothing to provoke her, i was just walking to my next lesson) and she didnt get punished. For something like that we'd be looking at isolation at the least, exclusion for a week at the worst. I also dont think it's very fair on the other kids either. This girl should be in the year above us, and also once a week attends college, studying childcare which, if we're being real, she isnt going to do anything with so its a bit pointless really.
However i know at my cousins school (shes now leaving for college, to study life skills which will actually benefit her) shes brighter than any other student because compared to the other students, she isnt as disabled... if you understand? For example, some students cant speak well. So my cousin doesnt really have any friends at her school either. She's more like a carer for the other students.
Just my thoughts.
What would you do if you were placed in the situation?