What skills are necessary when working in student support services?
2011-09-20 18:29:13 UTC
I am applying for a job as a teacher and these questions are a part of the application:

Student Service Questions:
1) Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be outstanding when working in student support services?

2) How would you address a wide range of issues in your groups?

* I am a certified in Secondary English and am not familiar with "student support services." I am assuming this has to do with inclusion teaching? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated...I am looking for some key words to include in my answers.
Nine answers:
2011-09-21 01:20:41 UTC
1) Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be outstanding when working in student support services?

I am a keen, passionate and enthusiastic person, with a strong desire to motivate and inspire students from various cultures & backgrounds, especially those with learning disabilities to do their best. Additionally I have very good time management & coordination skills, excellent in working independently or as part of a team, and I have good communications & listening skills when liaising with students and other staff. Proficient in the use of computers, specializing in MS office programs (word, PDF and PowerPoint), and certified trainer in TextHelp Read & Write Gold program.

2) How would you address a wide range of issues in your groups?

Get to know the student, find out what their interests are, which could be incorporated into my teaching plan.

Treat each student as a individual, encouraging them to work on their weaknesses, but use the strengths to their advantage.

Flexibility and a willingness to adapt programs and resources to ensure student has the best support needed to suit them individually.

Vary my teaching instructions, strategies and tools, to create an interest and prevent boredom, but also to meet the needs of all learning styles (visual, auditory, kinetic).

Encourage students to work independently or as part of a team

Encourage open classroom discussions which are respectful of all students in the classroom.

Raise any concerns about a students health & well being or classroom issues with parents and principal.

The above is what I have used for my application as a teacher, I focused on my strengths and what people have told me I am good at, like my ability to be flexible, adaptive and excellent communication skills. So you write up what your strengths are and area's of keen interest, key words like keen, enthusiastic, motivate, proficient etc are power words, and help make your application stand out.

Good luck and hope this helped a little
2014-10-25 07:56:09 UTC
Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be outstanding when working in student support services.

It's a Catch 22. Everyone likes to be empathized with, but everybody likes to be respected. That means that a teacher should recognize a student's weaknesses but also recognize that student's strengths.

How would you address a wide range of issues in your groups?

By trying to hold cool-headed discussions on the subject. I would emphasize that we all come together with different collections of hereditary and environmental influences. Therefore, we cannot transform each other into replicas of ourselves, so we need to learn to respect individual differences.

That's not to say that the job is easy. Neil Simon made a fortune from writing complicated plots about sloppy people coexisting with neat freaks and liberals coexisting with conservatives.
2016-01-27 23:28:13 UTC
Make gradual but permanent behaviour changes. Slowly re-vamp the contents of your fridge to healthier products, steadily increase your fruit and vegetables portions, phase out biscuits and also treats, and soon you’ll know that healthy eating becomes habit! Carole Holditch, originator of Good Habits
2017-03-01 14:28:33 UTC
2017-02-28 06:07:01 UTC
2016-04-25 20:19:17 UTC
Banish salt through your foods wherever you can. Not merely does it raise your blood pressure and play havoc your blood, but sodium makes you retain water contributing to overall ill health and weight gain.
2016-02-17 00:38:48 UTC
Like it or loathe the idea, horseradish, which comes from the identical family as wasabi, can actually assist you dissolve your fat and discourage hunger pangs, claim researchers from the University of Copenhagen. Spread slightly on your sarnies, instead of your usual ketchup, for a weight losing effect.
2016-02-25 22:59:28 UTC
Banish salt through your foods wherever you can. Not only does it raise your blood pressure and dry out your blood, but sodium causes you to retain water contributing to overall ill health and weight gain.
2016-02-20 21:00:56 UTC
Si consideras que tu organismo está condenado puesto que no alcanzas tener un hijo, eres infértil te confundes, la práctica para quedarte embarazada se encuentra en este libro Yo me he beneficiado de la suerte, no tengo este problema, sin embargo mi amiga sí y poco a poco después de dar la luz a mi hija ha comenzado evitarme, la dolía demasiado. He establecido que tengo que ayudarle y topé este libro, la entregué el mismo día que la cogí y hoy en día estamos las dos de paseos dando un paseo con nuestras hijas. La vida es llena con un hijo así que, no deja perder esta oportunidad.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.