2013-01-21 21:40:02 UTC
Now I'm not welcome back in this place just because of this Autistic person who refused to shut up, and it's the same for other places. This is so wrong since these were jokes, and I paid good money for this comedy show. Now I have a bunch of haters who were fans because of one Autistic person? I'm not even allowed to perform music in any center after singing songs about Autistic people just because of the fact that another one had an issue with it. Autistic people need to **** off with their retarded brains and let us do the joke cracking about them. Why do they have to get so offended over it?
I'm also now ineligible to join any athletics since these two Autistics spilled the beans. They're just insults and jokes, so what's wrong with cracking them? I seriously can't stand these heartless folks who lack in emotion.