2012-01-21 17:35:19 UTC
A) provide for vehicle registration.
B) offer a choice of models to customers.
C) provide low-cost automobile insurance.
D) build certain safety features into their vehicles.
2. Operating costs for your vehicle include
A) insurance and registration of your car.
B) money you spend on gas, oil, and tires.
C) the purchase price of your car.
D) hazardous wastes.
3. The yearly total cost of motor-vehicle crashes in the U.S. has been estimated at
A) $230,000.
B) $2.3 million.
C) $230 million.
D) $230 billion.
4. The risk of being involved in a crash
A) is only present in poor weather conditions.
B) is always present.
C) does not pertain to good drivers.
D) depends on the confidence of the driver.
5. Driver education can provide you with
A) the guarantee of becoming a good driver.
B) automobile insurance.
C) discounts on vehicle purchases.
D) knowledge of the rules of the road.
6. In order to drive, you need to understand the basic _____________________ about a vehicle.
A) rules
B) optional equipment packages
C) facts
D) cost-benefit ratio
7. Driving with your headlights on during daylight hoursA) allows you to pass in a no-passing zone.
B) increases engine efficiency.
C) increases your chances of being seen.
D) enhances your ability to see.
8. The goal of the __________________ is to enable people and goods to move safely and efficiently.
A) National Highway Association
D) American Automobile Association
9. When you drive, reduced ___________________ means increased risk.
A) insurance
B) visibility
C) fitness
D) traffic
10. The more miles you drive a vehicle, the smaller the ______________________ costs are per mile.
A) environmental
B) fixed
C) operating
D) collision