Start with school system (even if he's not in school) check out preschool teachers AND the district special education office. Ask LOTS of questions and ask what services are available in your area.
I don't know about your state, but California has an office funded by the state for the community - the office gives help for families who have children or adults with special needs... offer life skills and respite care, group homes, lots of other resources. I'm sure most states have these, but I don't know what they are called. If you ask at the school level, someone should know.
Social Security Disability Office - if your child has special needs which interfere with his daily living - some cases the SS office can help financially. It's not hard to apply.
CA has Parents Helping Parents
Check for support groups (parents who have children with special needs). - you can ask about this at the school, or look on the internet (yahoo groups, craigslist, even ask other parents of special needs kids!)
These places help you by giving you skills on coping, skills for your child to learn, they give you help when you need a break (respite), and can help financially.
You really have to ask and ask and ask... kind of like the squeaky wheel gets fixed. Start at the school level and ask about the places I mentioned.
Good for you for starting while Jordan's so young!!