2012-10-12 20:27:55 UTC
A. within any crosswalk, marked or unmarked
B. only within marked crosswalk
C. only when traffic is controlled by signals or signs
When you want to back out of a parking space, you should do it slowly and look _____________ while backing.
A. at your rearview mirror
B. over your right shoulder
C. at your side mirrors
If a driver doesn’t stop when requested by police, and a person is seriously injured in the chase, the driver will be punished by _________________.
A. imprisonment in a state prison for three, five, or seven years
B. a 60 day of Public service work
C. a fine of not more than $1,000
It is illegal to leave an unattended child age six or younger in a car if ____________.
A. on a rainy day with windows closed
B. the child is accompanied by a person 12 years or older
C. the keys are in the ignition
It is illegal to ____________________.
You are traveling on a one-way street. When you want to turn left into another one-way street, you __________________.
A. have to start your turn from the far right lane
B. may end your turn into any lane that is safely open
C. may turn only if traffic on the crossing street moves right
When can you enter a bike lane?
A. If there are no bicyclists in the bike lane
B. To make a right turn not more than 200 ft before the intersection
C. When you want to pass a vehicle ahead of you
. You are required to submit a written report (SR 1) to the DMV within 10 days _________
A. listen to music through headphones while both ears are covered
B. adjust the rearview mirror while driving
C. have an unrestrained animal in the vehicle
When parked parallel to the curb on a level street, your vehicle ______________.
A. should have its front wheels turned toward the curb
B. must be within 18 inches of the curb
C. must have parking lights on
In order to identify hazards early and avoid last minute moves, you should scan the road _________ seconds ahead of your vehicle.
A. 5 to 10
B. 10 to 15
C. 15 to 20