People for the Ethical Treatment of Vegetables
2008-08-19 04:05:03 UTC
She has a history of having a math learning disability but has not been formerly tested for a math learning disability. At our last IEP meeting, earlier this year, I requested that she be tested specifically in math, to try and find out exactly what's going on in her head. The rest of the IEP team said there was no sense in testing her in math since she already has an IEP w/ 3 goals specifically for math.
I have a pre-first day of school meeting w/ the new team next week (first year of middle school - God help me!).
I would like some input from you - what are some reasons I can use to make my case? What are my rights in having her tested specifically for a math learning disability? Can the school get away with not testing her for this specific LD?
It's been 5 years of no one really giving a damn that she can't recall basic math facts and even misuses a calculator.
Thanks for your help!