First: Early intervention is critical---DO NOT DELAY; BEGIN THERAPIES IMMEDIATELY!!!
Second, your sister needs to contact Early Intervention services; (here in Virginia it is also called the infant and toddler connection). The child will be evaluated and a service plan implemented.
Next, your sister needs to become educated in autism, in order to get the best services and advocate for her child. She also needs to familiarize herself with education law and what she is entitled to.
If you live in the United states, your sister is unequivocally entitled to special education services under the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). If the school district or early intervention does not provide this, THEY ARE OBLIGATED BY LAW TO PAY FOR A PRIVATE PROGRAM. I really am not sure of the legalities in Canada but the evaluation procedures should be quite similar.
Some questions:
1)Who referred her to the school for children with autism?
2)Who made the diagnosis?
3)Has the child been evaluated by an early intervention or other special education team?
4) Is the school you are referring to a private school or through the public school system?
It should never be that a parent of a child with autism is told, "sorry, we don't have an opening and sent home", unless you are referring to a private school. Something is wrong there.....
I hope this helped. As for the bullying, it is really a non-issue at this age; plus if the school is specifically for children with autism, these children are gentle by nature and not at all given to this type of behavior.
Diana (mom of a child with a neuro-developmental disorder, a Registered Nurse and one course away from a Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders)